(no subject)

Feb 18, 2004 10:25

Oh yeah! Yesterday was Mother's birthday. I think she turned 53. Wait lemme think...(1-2...53...hold the remainder...denominator...umm...) Yeah! Fifty-three! Since it was her birthday, I got her a glass of birthday water and we let her watch American Idol without complaining too much. Well, that Jesus Roman dude, along with most of the other folks weren't doing so good, so Stephen shouted out, "Jesus sucks!" Mother thought he was trying to be a smart-ass, so she got real angry. She said she wouldn't vote for that guy even if he was good because she's annoyed by people who allow themselves to be called Jesus. She says it's like their trying to take away from the glory of the real Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus, I went to Urban Outfitters with the gift card I got from Olivia for Christmas. They sell Jesus and Moses action figures there. Mother is thinking about getting those for her Sunday School class (only because we told her they weren't sacrilegious...that they were teaching aids or something). She's thinking about it. I got some nark shades for fifteen bucks. That's freaking expensive for a cheap-ass, dollar store regular like myself, but I wasn't really paying for them, so what the hell. Now I need a police hat and a beating stick. I also have to get that Nazi General uniform. Oh, and I'll probably learn to speak German. Screaming at people in German is fun.

German: The language of WAR!!!
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