Hello SBG!

Jul 01, 2008 08:09

Hi everyone! My name is Misty! I'm going to be this school's new Water Aerobics teacher.

I hope you all like water as much as I do. Swimming can be a fun and joyful experience, if you make it that way. Some people think of swimming as a way of exercising, while I think of it as more of a hobby, something that you can enjoy. Water is very powerful substance and every life form needs it to live. Its a very important element of this planet, and I hope everyone comes to love it and appreciate how much it does for us.

I'm looking forward to meeting all my students. Perhaps some water Pokemon? If you want to know how to pass my class then it's as simple as showing respect to me and the water. Please, if you have to use the bathroom, go before you get in the pool. I understand accidents happen, but please try your best to have enough respect for the other students... Just follow directions and have fun and you should pass with now problem.

That's all for now. Thank you all, I'm very excited to be able to teach everyone the joys of swimming.

new teacher, water aerobics

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