>I can't believe I missed out on Date's birthday yesterday, to be honest, it completely slipped my mind until I browsed through my f-list and saw all those greetings that were him...Anyway, hope he had a happy birthday and that he release more albums in the near future~^^
>And the not so surprising news is that I'm broke again. @_______@ I have no sense of resistance to temptation, I swear. DD: But they were so fully of shiny and pika pika, I couldn't help but get them. I scanned in the parts of Kindai (Jan version), Potato (Dec version) and Popolo that I bought yesterday and I hope everyone enjoys them like I did~:)
>As the one hundredth and one time, as much as I hate to repeat this, please note that...
-Please credit if taking, whether it's for use as icons, wallpapers or whatsoever.
-Please do not redistribute in any way and anywhere, unless with my permission. Otherwise, I will hunt you and send Ryo after you.
-Do not hotlink, please? Photobucket's bandwidth limit isn't infinite and I'll appreciate it if you didn't do so. Instead, direct whoever you want to, to this entry instead, thank you.
-Lastly, comments are ♥ and greatly appreciated from all. Thank you. :DD
From Kindai:
>I love this picture of Shirota. Pink Jacket=♥♥♥
>I think this is his new get-up for that supposed drama?! Eye twitches* I couldn't recognise him at first. ^^;;
From Potato:
From Popolo:
>Okay, this took a while posting them up because I kept getting interrupted...=__________=" But it's done anyway, so hallelujah.
>I can't wait to watch CTKT this coming week. Hyde and Ken. *__________* Hyde laughing hysterically on the floor and Kame and Koki looking so excited. XDD. Plus, I heard they played some kind of pic-tionary game or something and it seems really interesting. :P
>Okay, excuse me now while I go for dinner. Yum, Japanese food. ♥