Unbridled hatred

Oct 03, 2006 23:35

I'm so angry I could puke right now. As most of you know, my friend and Daddy Jayson Samual Conrad passed on in July, and I was in the midst of putting together a Charity event in his name, but due to my life getting so insane lately, I've had to put it on the backburner until I get some other stuff sorted out... like moving, new jobs... stuff like that.

So it was brought to my attention that a "Charity Event" is being held by XOXpromotions in Jaysons name with 100% of the door doing to the Sharing Network... one slight fucking problem... they don't have the date of his passing OR the cause of death right... and to my knowledge (through info gathered from friends of Goose and the family... namely Julie) they havne't contacted the family. This is fucking god damn ridiculous.

How the fucking hell can you hold a fucking event in memory of someone and not even know when or why they passed?! Who gets it in their fucking head to do something like this? I think it may be illegal to use the name and likeness of someone who has passed without explicit consent from the family... but I certainly could be wrong. So what did your pal bryan do? Yea... he wrote those fucktards a letter... and it goes a little something like this;

To whom it may concern,

If you're going to hold some half-assed charity event for someone, get the date of their death and cause of death right. He died ON FRIDAY at 7:45 in the morning on his 23RD BIRTHDAY and he didn't die of fucking liver failure... not that I'd expect anyone who can't even get the date of death correct. I don't know who organized this event, but the family has heard about it and is NOT happy since NO ONE contacted them and having a charity event in someones name without notifying the family... it's tasteless.

I really hope for your sake that the proceeds really are going 100% to charity because I know for a fact that Jayson may have been a "club friend"... but knowing him outside of the club scene... he wouldn't stand for some sham being held in his name... nor will any of his friends or family. So maybe one should rethink holding this event, or at least think about contacting his family about this... just for the sake of taste. This should be to celebrate the life of one of the greatest people I've ever known, not to get some money off of name recognition because he went out a lot and had a lot of "club friends".

Contact the family, rethink your motivation, because if this is just some kind of joke or attempt to get money... it's a really fucking poor one. I'm sending this e-mail partly in anger, and also partly to inform you of the misinformation you recieved... because that just opened up a lot of wounds that have taken over 2 months to begin to heal. If you have a problem with anything I've said in this e-mail... I honestly don't care because you know what, at least I knew Jayson well enough to know when and why he died... I'm also in the middle of organizing a charity event... with the full support of the Sharing Network (whom I've been in contact with), as well as Jaysons life partner AND his family... because that's how it should really be done. I'm not saying it's not a good idea... I'm simply saying do it right, or don't do it at all.

Thank you,
Bryan Haar.

I wanted to just write an email that consisted of a big FUCK YOU... but I thought better of it... if Jayson taught me anything, it's to do it with class... and this reeks of nothing but fucking shit. All I can do is sit here and curse over and over again in my head... is this what his life amounted to? Some fucktards organizing an event because he was their "club friend" and they didn't even know him well enough to get when he passed right... it makes me angry and so sad at the same time. Jayson truely had 2 faces... his party face... and the one only a select crowd got to see. I've seen him cry, I've seen him so happy he could explode, I've had so many meaningful conversations with him, I was honored to have been allowed to say goodbye to him two days before he left this earth... and this is what it all amounts to?

Fuck that. I've got renewed ambition for this charity event... a new sense of purpose, because I've got people helping me that really KNEW Jayson, that loved him as more than a "club friend" but as a real friend... one that has seen all sides of Jayson and loved him for every minute of it. It's one thing to mourn the loss of someone... it's another to profit from it. The event I'm putting together runs like this;

-100%... and I mean 100% of the ticket sales goes to the sharing network
-Bands can sell merch. to make some money if they want, but this is a CHARITY event, so that's the only way they will make money.
- If I have to, I will pay for the fucking venue out of pocket because I believe in this cause so much

I... I honestly don't know what to write anymore. I really hope the person that put that show together... no... you know what... I don't wish any harm on them. Jayson wouldn't want it that way... I just hope they rethink their motivation... for their sake at least.
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