Dec 31, 2013 15:53

Top 10 Year End Review Questions

  1. What did you do this year that you have never done before? Get married
  2. What was the smartest decision you made this year? Marrying Everett
  3. What one word best sums up and describe your last year experience? Unexpected
  4. What are you most happy about completing? The wedding.  It's true that you look forward to it forever, then you're so happy when it's over, lol.
  5. What was the biggest risk you took? Leaving my full time job and starting my own CPA firm.
  6. What are you most grateful for this past year? Everett
  7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Stepping out of my comfort zone & all the people I've met
  8. What do you wish you had done more of? Relaxed instead of being stressed
  9. What do you wish you had done less of? Worry
  10. Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself that would travel back in time so that you would receive it at the start of the year, what advice would you give your younger self? Get another full-time job and start a firm part-time instead of jumping in the deep end.

10 Questions to Ask About Your Relationships

  1. Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life last year? Everett, My 1st client who made me decide to start my own firm, Athen/David.
  2. Did anyone close to you give birth? No
  3. Did anyone close to you die? No, thankfully
  4. What important relationship improved the most? Everett
  5. What important relationship suffered the most? Don't know
  6. Whose behavior merited celebration? Caryn
  7. Whose behavior made you appalled? Athen
  8. How had you positively influenced a child this year? No idea
  9. What well known person dead or alive influenced you the most this year? I don't keep up with "well known" people...
  10. Who made you laugh the most this year? Everett

10 Questions to Ask About Your Health

  1. Did you suffer illness or injury? No
  2. What decision did you do to become healthier? None that I stuck to, hopefully this next year will be better in that regard
  3. What was your favorite exercise this year? TRX suspension training
  4. What was your favorite meal? Prime rib
  5. What restaurant did you eat at most often? Fernando's probably...
  6. What medications are you currently taking? Birth control
  7. Did you have any surgeries this year? No
  8. How did you manage your stress this year? Poorly... sad, but true
  9. What was your biggest health achievement this year? 4 months of TRX training
  10. What do you wish you would of done differently in regards to your health this year? Wish I could have afforded to keep up with TRX

10 Questions to Ask About Your Pop Culture

  1. What were your favorite TV Programs? Castle, Grey's Anatomy, Game of Thrones
  2. What were your favorite books? Kerri Arthur was my newest discovery, Hunger Games, Harry Potter
  3. What was your biggest musical or art discovery? Don't know
  4. What was your favorite movie this year? Hunger Games Catching Fire
  5. What song will always remind you of this year? A Thousand Years
  6. What musical artist did you listen to the most this year? Taylor Swift, Reba McEntire
  7. Did you attend any concerts, plays or art events this year? Wicked
  8. What did you wear often in your closet? Old Navy Jeans
  9. What was your hair style this year? Very long January-May, Very Short May-December, Red in December
  10. Describe your style of this past year in one word? Evolving

10 Questions to Ask About Your Celebrations

  1. What did you really, really, really get excited about? Wedding
  2. How old did you turn on your birthday? 26
  3. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? Hunger Games Catching Fire and Bonfire/BBQ at home with friends
  4. Did anyone close to you have an important milestone birthday? No
  5. How did you spend the Holidays? Christmas Eve in New Orleans with Baudean family, Christmas Day at Caryn's
  6. What was one memorial gift you received this year and who was it from? N/A
  7. What was one memorial gift you gave this year and who was it too? Wedding picture frames - Dad and Caryn
  8. How will you be spending New Years? At Caryn's
  9. What vacations did you take or where did you visit last year? Disneyworld for honeymoon
  10. What was the biggest Surprise of this year? Getting the nerve/whatever to quit my job that made me miserable

10 Questions to Ask About Your Finances

  1. What was your biggest financial decision this year? To quit my job and start my own company
  2. What was the best thing you bought for yourself this year? Caesar, my puppy
  3. Did you invest your money anywhere? Rolled my 401k over into a SEP.
  4. Where did most your money go? Bills
  5. Did you make any charitable contributions? United Way
  6. At the end of this year how much money is in your bank account? Much less than I'd like
  7. Are you in debt? How much? House, Car, Student Loan, Business software purchase...
  8. How much a month do you pay in rent or mortgage? $975
  9. How much does it cost to fill your car with gas? Around $35-40
  10. What is your salary for this year? It would have been around $60,000 if I'd stayed at my last job...

10 Questions to Ask About Shchool or Work

  1. Where do you currently work or go to school? self-employed
  2. What is the title of your position? Certified Public Accountant
  3. What is your typical day? There is no typical day anymore... Networking meetings, client meetings, housework, it varies
  4. When did you feel most inspired at work or school? At clients' offices helping them get their records in order and make sense of the financial statements
  5. What is one way you grew professionally this year? Joined professional networking groups and took leadership roles within the groups
  6. What do you hope from those who work around you the most remember about you? This question doesn't make sense... I'm assuming it means "What do you hope that those who work around you the most will remember about you?" That I'm a dedicated professional
  7. What was your greatest challenge/lesson at work or school? Finding new clients, collecting from existing clients
  8. How did you adapt at work and school? Huh?
  9. How have you grown as a person because of your work and school experience? Forced to go out and meet more people
  10. What strengths did you tap into? My education and experience in my field

10 Questions to Ask About Your Time

  1. What date from this year will remain etched upon your memory and why? 5/25/2013 - my wedding
  2. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? Netflix tv streaming...
  3. What slowed you down this past year? finances
  4. What was the best way you used your time this past year? Building my business
  5. What were you doing on most Saturday mornings this past year? Sleeping in
  6. During this past year, what were you doing at 3pm during the weekdays? Depends
  7. How did you spend your Sunday evenings this past year? Reading or watching tv mostly
  8. What person(s) occupied most of your time? Everett
  9. What was your bedtime and wake up time? 9-10pm, 6-9am
  10. If you had more time to invest in this past year what would you do with it? No idea

10 Fill In the Blanks Questions

  1. I want a 'do-over' with.... Beginning my business
  2. I missed... Working for Denise
  3. I would use a magic wand to change... The amount of money spent on the wedding, I'd rather have it in the bank...
  4. I want to repeat... Going to Disneyworld
  5. I was embarrassed by... how I quit my job
  6. I lost.... some pride
  7. I gained... weight, started the year around 153, got down to around 145 for the wedding, back to 153
  8. I regret... Not trying to find an industry accounting position before deciding to start my own firm
  9. I am thankful for... Everett
  10. I felt most alive when... dancing and singing ;)
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