Comes this...
There were times when Elrond wondered if his father’s decision to sail to Valinor (and his mother’s subsequent casting-of-herself-into-the-sea stint) had anything to do with him and Elros. Certainly he and Elros had not been this bad as children, had they? he pondered as Elladan beatifically chased a butterfly around the field. He winced as his eldest (by two-and-a-half minutes) son crashed head-first into the Earth. Elrohir laughed, with the kind of vindictive hysteria only siblings can truly master. At least, until he tripped over Elladan’s flailing limbs and went sprawling face face-first in the dirt, that is.
“What happened?” asked Elrond, out of a warped sense of duty.
“The butterfly bit me!” wailed Elladan.
“Ellammmph hiimmf mmmf,” said Elrohir, his mouth still full of dirt.
“Elladan, butterflies don’t bite,” Elrond said, pinching the bridge of his nose in a desperate (and failing) attempt to ward off the inevitable headache. “And Elrohir, spit out that dirt.”
“I cant! I can’t do it Peredhel!”
“They must learn to wield a blade, Glorfindel,” said Elrond pleadingly.
“Not from me,” said the Balrog Slayer flatly. Glorfindel winced, Elrond looked as if he were about to start begging. “Look,” he added resolutely, “if you want them to learn so badly, you teach them.”
“They can’t be that bad, surely?” Elrond inquired hesitantly.
“Elrond, Elladan managed to break three fingers and a priceless vase from Doriath just while getting out of bed yesterday! And you want to give them weapons?”
Elrond gulped. “Have you?”
“Have I what?” said Glorfindel, sinking into Elrond’s chair and opening a bottle of Dorwinion.
“Glorfindel! It’s not even midday!”
“Yeah, well, if you had
Yes. It really ends like that. Mickie, you are such a terrible influence on me. 0_o
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cosmicpasteries because that's where it was supposed to go in the first place, and I obviously can't tell the difference between when I'm posting to my journal, and posting to Cosmo. One of the many problems of being terminally addled, that....