i'll tell you how to fix the economy!!

Oct 15, 2008 10:51

Honestly who is running this country? At what point do we as citizens decide that we don't want the future that is being decided for us and actually step up and do something? Yeah you can vote, but if you question the results then you are giving in to Conspiracy Theories and Propaganda...
We, as a society, are a bunch of Cows. The cow is a docile animal that exists for the sole purpose of being a meal. The Cow has options and opinions but regardless of what it wants, it will allow itself to be directed down any path. Though protesting with what it feels is fair and how it doesn't want to go down this path it continues to walk unwilling to use its powerful kick, size and mass to its benefit to live like it wants and feel it deserves to live.
At what point did our society become the Docile Cow? Of all countries we are the most vocal about injustice and what we done like and what is not fair, but we allow our Government and practically any official with a title to shush us as if we were an over reactive child. We are told that we are overreacting and that everything is fine and that we are just scared and don't understand what is going on but everything is really going to be ok.  And for the moment, everything appears to be ok as we live in the light of hope cast from those we look to for answers.
The day comes when our fears are realized and we suddenly find ourselves wondering what happened? We wander around in disbelief as our world is changed under our feet and we don't understand because we did everything we were supposed to. We worked hard, paid our taxes and up kept the laws of our society with the understanding that our work would be rewarded one day in the form of retirement and stability.
RIIIGHT! How is it that we allow people we don't know, don't ever see, and don't have any association take all of the fruits of our labor and leave us to work out the details of the mess ourselves. What about the government? yeah they step in and bring these people together, figure out just how much they took from the people working under them and basically give them a "Bad Dog" speech, maybe give them a fine for 1/60th of the worth of the money they made and possibly a little "jail" time and leave them to live lavishly with the tens to hundreds of millions they basically stole from the people that actually made the company what it was worth.
I say take the top 5% of these companies, allow them to keep 5 - 10% of the money they were given and reclaim the rest in any fashion necessary and re-invest it in the companies it came from.
What is so hard about that logic? The people working deserve some of that money as much as the CEO does. If not more
Basically things need to be broken down to Elementary School Logic.
How would this be handled if it were a group of kids selling Lolly Pops. The person that buys the candy and delegates the sellers gets a little bit of a bigger cut plus extra to keep supply going and the sellers make their money. It's not Sweat Shop Politics where such a small percentage goes to the workers and the top kid makes away with 75+% of the profits. That is ridiculous. God We are Cows.... when will it stop? when will we do something?
We cant even vote successfully on a President, our decisions are made by those with power and we assume because the pretty box with lights and pictures tells us something that we have to believe it.
When will it start telling us how to live and that all of our life choices are wrong... oh yeah its doing that now.
our kids are doomed... WE are doomed!
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