Dec 25, 2008 21:07

My Christmas is an awesome one. Lessee now I got lossa stuff. ^-^ This isn't counting what I got on Gaia and such. Thankies everyone who sent me stuff and stuff. <3 Loves to everyone.

Tales of the World (PSP)
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP)
Yggdra Union (PSP)
Eternal Poison (PS2)

Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo 1
Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo 2
Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo 3
Only the Ring Finger Knows: The Left Hand Dreams of Him
Red Angel 2

Got Gil (shirt)
Guns don't kill people, guys with big sword do (shirt)
Sit down and drink your goddamn tea (shirt)
Snowman socks
Monkey pajamas
Cat hat
Moogle hat

Penguin Plushie
Kumagoro Plushie
$30 and small stocking
Vongola Ring set
Shinra Messenger Bag
$25 Gaia Cash Card x2

games, hats, clothes, money, plushies, stuff, presents, manga, vongola

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