Final Fantasy X
Got through Guadosalam and the farplane. Seymour is kinda creepy, I still don't like him. From there was the Thunder Plains and Macalania got through both with little to no trouble. I tried catching the butterflies and dodging the lightning bolts but I failed at both. I'll just go back later. Then I went to Macalania Temple and got Shiva. I had to fight Seymour and his goons. That was the first time I had trouble with a boss this play through. >.> It took me two tries to do it. And now I need to leave Macalania Temple. So that's where I am. Oh I also fought a boss and got a Jecht Sphere in Macalania. I think there is something I need to do with the Cactuar statues in the Thunder Plains too but I'll go back later. I have all the characters. Oh and also, Wakka shut your whore mouth.