How many Thornstons have I had?

Jan 04, 2013 09:35

Final Fantasy XIII with Snow
I'm pretty much just helping Snow get through the game. She's in Taejin Tower and already hates it. I don't blame her. Taejin Tower is terrible. She said she was gonna get through more of it today after she finishes some things up. ^-^

Final Fantasy XIII-2
I picked it back up just to get some trophies. I managed to get one I was missing and that was the one for the Don Tonberry who I ended up naming "Tony". I've infused a couple of monsters but I keep saying "Hehehehe....I just had [monster name] eat [other monster]." I kinda got a little creepy about it but I was enjoying myself. Trying to find a faster-cuter medic than Vex (white chocobo). I have PuPu but he is much lower level. Vex is maxed out.

final fantasy xiii-2, final fantasy xiii, snow

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