Little kids in Fendal, you can have all our Strahteme horns

Nov 23, 2012 08:29

Tales of Graces f
We are in Fendal! We need to go see Kurt. Malik has all his arte related titles. Asbel is working on his. I think Malik is missing like ten of his titles. I'm working really hard on that. Well more like best I can. Our Eleth Mixer is going up too. ^-^ And this time around I don't hate Pascal as much. Maybe it's because Snow is skipping scenes or I'm giving her a better chance this time around so it won't be bias hate.

We watched the 3rd Transformer movie. We got worked up about a robot movie. It was intense. I'm not really sure what was going on since I'm not really a big transformer fan and I had to keep going in the kitchen for making food stuffs. So I missed chunks of the movie. Optimus Prime fucked bitches up. It was awesome! He was in a bad mood. I'm pretty sure Megatron isn't getting away this time. ^-^ Good job, Optimus! Also mini-autobots are cute!

Lunch/dinner was awesome. There was ham, wheat rolls (made by yours truly), Sweet potatoes/Candied yams, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, julienne potatoes and brownies (also made by me). I like how Thanksgiving meals count for two, unless you are over at a family members house then you don't get to eat until way late. >.> Luckily that didn't happen. We ate about noon or 1ish. So awesome.

Snow and I ended up playing a lot of Tales of Graces f. We were in Strahta and now in Fendal. ^-^ Got a lot done. Snow said it's the only game she feels like playing. Which is cool because I love Tales of games.

While hunting for green mew I found a silver version ladyba. I caught said ladyba and the green mew. ^-^

vdex, movies, pms, tales series, food, snow

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