Never a honest word

Nov 18, 2012 17:28

World of Warcraft
Played WOW with dad over the weekend to get all G'ed up. His words. It was pretty fun. Got a couple of levels. And some new gear.

Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
I'm in summer. Learned how to fish and I'm working the the restoration of the town.

Also Star Ocean Til the End of Time, camera angles are too trolly. Game goes bye bye.


My stomach has been upset for the past few days. Not us if it is because of the food I've been eating or because I'm stressed about some things or both. Just not doing well.

I watched Toonami last night. Watched the ending of a Bleach episode and Tenchi Muyo! GXP. I wasn't very found of it, the kid looks like Tenchi but is named Seina and is kinda an idiot. Not real sure what is going on. Probably won't watch it again. I just looked it up a bit and I stick with what I just said, not gonna watch.

Also "The Raven" is a good movie and I recommend it. John Cusack did a good job and I normally don't like his acting. Nick Carter on the other hand is a terrible actor. Thank God he is not in The Raven. He was in another movie we watched, Kill Speed, it was terrible. Lockout was decent.

I made cookies over the weekend too. Chocolate chip, they were good but needed mo flour. Found that out after the cookies were done. *sigh*

I kinda feel like I need a little extra help lately.

harvest moon, world or warcraft, dad, anime, movies, snow

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