Stuck in my head

Oct 18, 2012 09:56

Yakuza: Dead Souls
Snow made it to Ryuji's chapters!

Pokemon Black 2
I'm in Chargestone Cave. Trying to get out.

Paperback Marathon Site
Outlined my site, kinda. So hopefully it will be easier to work on after I read the manga. Which I should be doing! Lets see, if I read five volumes a day I'll be done in four days. Not bad. Don't know if that will work cause I might end up reading all of it in a day. Hehehe.

I won't say I'm in love (sung in Al Bhed)
First the girl explains what she is gonna do but then she sings. The part the muses sing is in English though. Song starts at 0:30, if you want to skip her talking.

pokemon, yakuza, websites, snow

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