Slightly lazy

Oct 13, 2012 08:42

Gonna hang out with dad some more on WoW, after I shower. Tako is spending the night too, but she will be over much later today. I think she is being dragged to a wedding first.

Thinking about entering the literature marathon at amassment. I think I might pick Subaru or Watanuki. Leaning more towards Watanuki though. I like Subaru but I think I might end up ranting more than anything if I pick him. But I'll have to re-read part of xxxholic and then finish it to do this. Hmmm. If I do decide to do this then it will be my first non-video game site. So it would be special, thus I want to pick someone I adore. And I do love that spazz named Watanuki. Seem like a good idea?

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

amassment, xxxholic, miyo, websites, via ljapp, world of warcraft, tako, dad

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