Gonna be the very best

Oct 08, 2012 09:43

Yakuza: Dead Souls
My dad tried the endless subterrena yeasterday. He got to the 15th floor, which is pretty good cause he never played Yakuza: Dead Souls before. I mean sure I helped it out a bit but he did most of the work. Slowly getting through Hasegawa's directives. I just can't stand her. Also Asagi, be my partner!

Pokemon Black 2
Started playing it. I have 2 badges and I'm doing pokemon movies. It's pretty fun.

Thinking about making some type of rp blog where tell about my adventures through that. EXAMPLE! So I'm playing Pokemon Black 2, and the blog would be a blog for Naiz (main character) and she would tell about what she did for the day. Like "Today I started my journey! I got an Oshawott from Bianca. Blah blah. I was walking through the tall grass and found a Patrat but Bushido took care of him in no time." Or something like that. But I'm not really sure I want to or just think I want to cause it sounded cool. The idea would also work for Harvest Moon or really any game you can pretty much make your own character. I say that because then you wouldn't have to worry about keeping it in character, since you are the character. And it seems easier to do it that way.

Also, I'm currently feeling better.

yazkua, pokemon, random

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