Getting somewhere

Sep 07, 2012 08:46

Unlocked Seifer and a couple of shards for Prishe. Got Terra to level 99 and switch in Zidane.

Working on writing the departure, initiation and return for Blazing Dynamo. Well actually all I have to write is the return and I already wrote the other sections. They aren't being put up until Tuesday or Wednesday because they need to be beta-read. Then after I finish Blazing Dynamo, I'm going to revamp Niflheim which is probably gonna take awhile. Then after that hopefully go through the spam at PBF. I want to try to finish the projects I have before starting new ones like Seppuku and Get My Shine On.

To Do List
Finish Blazing Dynamo
Revamp Niflheim
Delete Spam Members at PBF

websites, final fantasy theatrhythm

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