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Jul 19, 2012 09:36

Final Fantasy XII
Finished up some hunts, have some in the Necrohol, Nabreus, Lhusu and Nam-Yensa. Gonna raise up before doing any of them because they are abit harder. Still gotta go through Giruvegan but we have the crystal open to get there quick. ^-^ I did that last night because Snow felt like she was playing too much. I got her through the Feywood and to the doorstep of Giruvegan. She also started the sidequest for the trophy hunts, I found a couple of them and got the trophies. One of them nearly killed me to a game over! Well almost if I hadn't quickening-ed it to death. The kids wouldn't have survived the fight, so I did what I had to do. It was so cool. I kicked so much ass. I was feeling pretty confident.

Not feeling nausea today! But my head does hurt.

Snow bought me a card and I finally redeemed it. I bought Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX. It's one of Snow's favorites and I never finished it. So now we can play it whenever. I have a feeling she's gonna joink me 3DS, which is fine. It's in the folder with a "G" on it. Got some other things but they were free and they are apps.

final fantasy xii, legend of zelda, snow

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