Cherri is sleepy

Jun 05, 2012 09:02

Atelier Meruru
Snow started a new game+. She's doing a lot better inn this play through. We got Mimi and Gino a lot sooner in this one too. Actually doing a lot of things earlier than last time. Her goal this time is to get 100,000 people, she almost had it last time.

Sad face
I bought Snow a shirt a while back and she finally tried it on but it's too small. T-T I'll have to do better next time.

Glad you are feeling better. *hug* My laptop has these little lights one for wifi, power, battery and so on. Well my battery light is flashing between orange and blue. Is that important? My laptop stays on the charger and it's fully charged (to the best of my knowledge). I'm just curious is to why that is.

Not feeling to great. My doctor's appointment went fine. I think I caught Mikari's cold through the internet. Copper's stitches came out fine too.

atelier meruru, copper, mikari, snow

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