
May 10, 2012 08:53

Soul Calibur V
Did a bit of level grinding and then played with the character creation.

Downloaded Record of Argarest War, it took forever and thankfully the install was fast. I didn't go to bed until 12:30 am. It's hard to stay up that late. Snow also got through Alice a little bit.

1. Leave a comment to this post!
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each.

Mikari gave me the letter R.

1. Raphael from Soul Calibur Series; I like how he would do anything for his adoptive daughter Amy. He seems kind of evil about it, as he killed two maid who didn't belong in his an Amy's new world. Seems to be a bit crazy and obsessive when it comes to Amy but they are close and you can tell.

2. Rukia from Bleach; Sometimes I liker her and other times I don't. She's a younger sibling who tries hard for her older brother and friends. She can't draw very well but I like her pictures. She's also really short and small. Seems like she needs saved more often than not but she can hold her own in a fight...kinda. ^-^ Plus she likes bunnies!

3. Rei from Sailor Moon; She's kinda bitchy at first but I think it's because she didn't have any friends. Hot tempered and doesn't mind letting you know when your an idiot. She's also very pretty and strong and she can sing too. I love her long black (or purple or red) hair.

4. Ryo from Ronin Warriors; An over emotion samurai of fire. It was nice to see a fire elemental not be hot tempered (like Rei). Ryo was just over emotional, one minute he's talking about cats and the next he's tearing the room apart. And as any leader he would do anything for his friends, like back handing a child so they can save the world without having to protect his lame ass worry abut him too. I'm pretty sure he steals Kento's "Milk Ball" shirt.

5. Reyson from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn; He can't fight but he can sing to let your party move farther. It's nice. He's also very pretty and can break his hand on someone's face. Poor guy is physically weak due to being a Heron however he has a short temper and isn't anything like his siblings (Rafiel and Leanne). I think he means well though, also the type to help out his friends. I guess Tibarn did an okay job at raising him.

soul calibur, meme, mikari, record of agarest, snow

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