My phone's autocorrect is horrible

Dec 16, 2011 16:36

Went to dad's work party today. Mostly hung out in his office. It's really nice. I sat at his desk in his chair most of the time. Watched some videos he had on his computer and saw some pictures. It had nothing to do with what he works with. Of course what he actually does is a mystery. I think he is a ninja. Anyway, ate some food too. It was a pot luck type of deal. Met some people he worked with. I joinked a wrench made of paper...he said I could have it. I'll post pictures soon. I had a good time. Oh! I made brownies for the event cause everyone had to bring something. When we got home we all took naps but of course Copper had to be a brat so dad didn't really get one and then Copper woke me up. My head hurts really bad. But I did get a Pepsi.

dad, copper

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