Big stuff

Oct 04, 2011 11:12

Resonance of Fate
Need to play and beat it to get it out of the way. I just don't want too.

Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns
Haven't been playing it lately.

Wild Arms 5
We got Greg! Whoo! We also got all the joint attacks so far. We are headed for Gounon to find Johnny Appleseed.

I helped my dad with some more stuff yesterday. I lost two of my nail (the glue-able kind) in the yard. They are some where between the trash can and the tree we hacked down (might go look for them today). My legs are sore from fixing the kitchen faucet and my arm is a little sore from the hack and slash. Other than that I wrote a Legend of Mana drabble/short story thing, sent it off to Snow for beta. She's busy during the week so she can't get around to it until Sunday. Which is totally fine. I also plan to clean the table by where I sit. Also resume/references got to my uncle, so hopefully he turned them in.

Saving up some berries for bright powder and hunting for pokemon.

harvest moon, fanfiction, dad, resonance of fate, vdex, wild arms, snow

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