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Sep 17, 2011 10:41

Parasite Eve II
Snow's almost done with part 16, okay, actually I think she's a little over half way with it. After 16, there is part 17 and 18 and then she's done. Luckily in this one there isn't a "run the hell away because if the creature hits you it's game over" fight like in the first one.

Tired Today
I did more yesterday than I have in the entire month I've been graduated. So tired. Yesterday I burned my arm on the pan that had french fires on it when I was pulling it out of the oven with my left hand. I'm gonna try to finish up my job applications today. I have two of them (GameStop and Big 5). I'm confused in some parts of them and need a little clarification. Also I have to get to references from people I've known for 5 years or more.

Currently adding detail to the Parasite Eve story. It's gonna take a little longer. I'll have to go into my 3rd Birthday data and find the name and description for my favorite assault rifle. Oh how I miss unlimited ammo. Anyway, there is a little bit more detail beside the gun that I wanna add, like what the ladies are wearing. And the story still needs a proper name.

fanfiction, parasite eve, job, snow

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