If you don't, you'll be shocked to death

Jul 17, 2011 06:48

Finished for today.

You have to say "Career Change" then press the button
I watched Bleach this morning because I couldn't fall back asleep after having gone to the bathroom. Anyway, the episode was what happened in town after Ichigo, Chad and Uryu when to Hueco Mundo. It was like a Power Ranger knock off. I love it! It have Kon (in Ichigo's body), Don Konoji, Tatsuki, Chizuru (the girl always hitting on Orihime), Keigo and Ururu as the Konso Cops. Kisuke is such a bastard. Love@him though....or you'll get shocked to death. Kisuke kept telling Kon that if he didn't do something he would get shocked to death.

Last Night/Yesterday
I played PSP2 with Snow. I got Cherri a couple of levels...actually just one. Hehe. I couldn't get my room how I wanted it either, so I let Snow do it. She's better at interior design then I am. We both got Freulian Rose double sabers too. I love it so much. It's a level 90 weapon and mine is 51% fire based. I also got the bunny rod and yelled at the communion for not giving me items.
Phantasy Star Fan Blog
^ Focuses on Phantasy Star Portable, Phantasy Star Portable 2 and Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity

Went to GameStop and got Yakuza and Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (both for the PS2). Snow also pre-ordered Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns for the DS for us. ^-^

Then we went to Walmart. I got some new headphones....in fact I got $50 headphones for $20 because the price was marked wrong and proven. It was pretty cool. Pain in the ass during the process though.

phantasy star portable, games, bleach, school, snow

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