Mar 05, 2011 13:00
I watched The Old Man and the Sea with my parents. It was a good movie. Then while I was in the shower, Snow convinced our dad to take her to GameStop for the Celebi event. So we now have Celebis. I'm so happy. Thankies Snow! <3 While Snow and D were off on their adventure I stayed home with mum. We watched NCIS. According to mum and Abby, Gibbs is a silver-haired fox. ^-^ I had fun. Got a headache though so much gave me some allergy medicine. It totally kicked my ass. I got through dinner and most of an episode of NCIS (D and sis where back by then) before it started to kick in. Then they were like "Go to bed" and I did. I slept from 7pm to 1:30am, then I was up for a couple of hours and when back to bed. More like I was awake then went back to sleep. I only got out of bed to use the bathroom and get a drink.
Still kinda sleepy from the meds I guess. Haven't really done much today except login to VDex and Tinierme. Slowly getting through the day. Gotta go do my homework. I decided that I would borrow Trace Memory from Snow. It's a visual novel game. She said it was the easiest of them. She also recommended Lux Pain but my touch screen is wacky and doesn't respond on in certain places so it would be harder to play it.
I'm sleepy. Since my homework for today is finished I'll just relax. Gotta shower and eat too.
I'm currently playing with trainer cards. ^-^