Joinked from Mikari.
Baby meme!
I'm sure you've all seen childhood memes, what about your babyhood? List 5 things about when you were a baby that people might not know.
1- Before I was born the doctors told my mom I would be a boy.
2- I was born yellow.
3- My sister gave me my first toy when I was born. (It's a pink bear that I still have, in pretty good shape too.)
4- After having me, my mom wasn't able to have any more children. (I'm the baby, dammit!)
5- I weighed more than my sister did when she was born. (Of course that isn't the case anymore.)
Not much is going on today. I feel a little ill but nothing serious.
Yesterday I watched Mortal Kombat: The Movie. ^-^ Then I watched 2 episodes of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. D watched them with me.