Jul 20, 2010 10:44
So at night before bed I turn on Subaru, so my room isn't quiet while I'm getting ready for bed. I had music videos playing because I don't like "King of the Hill". Okay, so "Womanizer" by Britney Spears was playing and I'm fine with that because it reminds me of Minato from Persona 3. I got my jammies on and all comfy in bed. After that "I Can't Be Tamed" by Miley Cyrus came on. I've never heard anything by her before because honestly I don't like the image she has for herself. She's growing up too fast. That's how I feel. However, now I have the damn song stuck in my head. It's not a bad song, it's kind of catchy which is probably why it's stuck in my head.
I has bowling tonight. I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I'm not. So today, I just have my devil cough. I'll just use some cough drops. I'm getting better. ^-^