
Jun 18, 2010 12:36

I got the animation part of the Flash project done. There is a written part this week too but I'll do it later. It gets turned into a different basket than the other project. I know it sounds weird and probably doesn't make sense, however that's the explanation you all get.

Snow reminded me that I have to reconnect Sage and Raven to our internet. She did so with Rowen today which is what reminded me.

I've been reading fanfiction lately. Most of it is crappy I say that but it well written for the most part. And no Snow I'm not talking about yours. I like yours unless it is super depressing. Yours aren't crappy. So I've really been reading random people's fanfiction with the side of Snow's. I still have to catch up in fanfiction that was written by Mikari and Snow. I'll get to it when I get to it.

Luna (I think) got sick behind the couch. Mum was like where did it happen. Of course I'm thinking "How the fuck should I know, it happened behind me. I can't fucking see." Though I said "It's either behind the couch or Snow's room." I just feel irritated right now. So I'm gonna go and try to cool off.

game systems, fanfiction, mum, mikari, school, snow

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