It's funny when you think about it

May 25, 2010 12:32

Rob Patternson plays Edward Cullen (Twilight) and Cedric Diggery (Harry Potter). So here is my theory/rant about them looking alike (or being the same person). Edward goes back to school every so often however when he went he ended up at Hogwarts and when he was tired of being there he just faked his own death as Cedric so he could go back to being Edward because he didn't want to catch HPV (Harry Potter Virus, I'll explain that in a sec). It wouldn't work Cedric being first because Edward died much earlier than he was born. And there you go. That's why they look alike. ^-^

As for HPV, I was helping my cousin with her health homework and she is learning about STDs. HPV was one of them and I was joking around and was like "HPV, Harry Potter Virus." So she starts writing it because she thought I was serious. So I tell her I'm joking and she was like "Oh my God, I believed you!" It was pretty funny.

There was also a rant about Riku (Kingdom Hearts) but I unfortunately do not remember it.

I also do not understand why we (my family and I) have to consider taking responsibility for someone else. It's stupid and pointless.

tako, kingdom hearts, harry potter, rant, twilight, family

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