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Jun 24, 2009 15:22

Ok, the game store doesn’t open until 10am. Boy do I feel like a genius. I did get a hold of them though but they didn’t have either of the games I called for.

Me: Okay, I have two questions…I think.
Him: Okay.
Me: Do you have Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor?
Him: What system is that for?
Me: Nintendo DS.
Him: Ok. Could you spell that for me?
Me: Which one?
Him: Any of them.
Me: S-h-i-n M-e-g-a-m-i T-e-n-s-e-i.
Him: We don’t have it.
Me: Okay, what about Class of Heroes?
Him: Class of heroes. I can spell that one.
Me: I wouldn’t mind spelling it out for you.
Him: That’s alright.
Me: You sure?
Him: Yeah. We don’t have it.
Me: Alright. Thank you.
Him: You’re welcome.

That’s the general gist. I’m so loving. I’m not sure if it was Alan, JR or Denver. We preorder Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. Which I told them while I was on the phone too.

Sleeping habits
Lately, I’ve been waking up early like before noon. I’ve been getting up at like 9-10 am. I don’t really mind it either. Sure my days seem longer but it feels like I have more time to do things during the day which I like. Before I felt like there wasn’t enough time for me to do anything because I always woke up so late in the day and it was always aggravating. However, I am waking up earlier and I have more time in the day to do whatever and I guess I feel happier. Of course I run out of things to do and then I get bored or I’ll feel tired but I won’t take a nap because I don’t want to ruin my new sleeping habits. I can’t stay up past midnight anymore I get way too tired, it’s kind of funny. There are some nights when I can’t sleep but generally I’m tired before midnight. I remember when I could stay up until 5 am and not wake up until 1 pm. I don’t think I can pull that off anymore and I’m okay with that.

sleeping habits, games

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