I'm back, bitches

Jun 16, 2009 18:58

I didn't get to blog on Monday cause the internet in the hotel sucked. So here you go. I'll post my pictures of my trip later. ^-^

June 15
Holy shit! It’s my birthday! I gambled! It was awesome. I didn’t get carded though. People were all like “You are going to get carded a lot!” And so I’m like “Okay.” Here I am expecting to get carded like 80 million times and nothing! I did win some money though. I won $6.15, isn’t that fucking awesome.

Then we went shopping. I actually enjoyed myself. ^-^ I got some new clothes and some chick sandals. What are chick sandals? They are sandals that make you taller. Oh I got a bracelet too. Oh and a shark plushie. I took some pictures which I’ll post when I get home. I think Snow got more stuff than I did but that’s ok. Oh I saw boots that zipped and buckled and they were brown and heeled. They reminded me of Cloud. He he. Yeah, I went there.

Matt and Mikari called me for my birthday. That makes me happy, of course I missed both of their calls but they left me messages. ♥ Thank you both. It means a lot to me. So far I am having a great day. It was really loud in the mall because they play music in the stores, which is probably why I missed the calls.

June 14
I couldn’t work the paper towel thing in the bathroom, the elevator nearly ate me and the stupid ad of hot men cut me off mid-sentence. I got owned three times in one day. It was very entertaining for Snow and mum though.

gambling, matt, calls, birthday, clothes, shopping, mikari

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