Feb 26, 2008 20:31
Right, am on the shortlist for year coordinator job. I handed in my letter of application last night and then realised this morning when I reread it AGAIN that there was an extraneous "the" in one sentence...clearly didn't get it right on the twenty rereads I did yesterday. So first thing I was in printing it off again and putting it in an envelope to exchange for the original, which I hoped was still in the Head's tray. I also hoped I wouldn't be found rooting through his pigeon hole trying to remove things!
However his highly efficient secretary had already found it so I lost my nerve and didn't replace it. Then I went and had a random chat about other stuff with my boss, during which I decided the Head would be more impressed by a replacement letter that was perfect, so I went back and found his secretary and asked her if I could exchange the letter. She had already opened the original and put it in a folder but had not yet shown it to Howard, so I was OK! She was very kind and said "What his eye doesn't see..." so hopefully she won't tell him I had to swap it. And also hopefully this suggests she likes me - surely this will help? Argh am sounding paranoid I know....
Anyway I got a letter at lunchtime saying I had been shortlisted and have to attend at 3.45 on Friday in the IT suite to do a written task (you can imagine the joy this will be - 12-15 internal candidates going for four jobs, all sitting side by side tapping away to produce some fake letter to a tricky parent or similar!) And then interviews are Monday. So this weekend is "buy a suit" time!