(no subject)

Jun 09, 2009 19:30

I've been struggling with writing my novel. I haven't written about it, because mostly it's a lot of whining about how HARD it is.

The other day I read
sarah_prineas excellent post about "living the dream" and well I realized I hadn't actually read any of her books. I don't know Sarah from a stone, but apparently some of my friends do, which is how I friended her on LJ. At least on LJ, Sarah seems like a very nice person, so I was half afraid to read lest I be disappointed. I was very wrong.

The Magic Thief is captivating. I read it in between packing for the wedding, just had to finish it before we left. I just love Conn. His plucky nature reminded me of the characters in books I loved as a girl. Yet Conn's a thoroughly modern boy who refuses to be anyone's servant.

The world's so captivating that Special K has been collecting locus magicalicus and getting Little T to join in. She hides under the bed sheets with Little T to pretend she's in Twilight.
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