Dec 21, 2004 01:44
Hello All,
Man I love hanging out but work seems to get in the way, oh well. Man what to say what to say, Oh! How about a year recap. Here we go:
At the beginning of the year I was still working for the cursed Movie Theater called MarketHell 15 and then quit due to hours, management, and small bursts of sexual harasment against me...don't Laugh! After that I remember getting to know David and Mark better but still not friends. Oh and my most memorable time before summer break was beating the crap out of jimbo in a short process like so, to jimbo,
2. get offended by something that I can't even remember,
3. Kick Jimbo straight in the nuts with combat boots that I just so happened to have been wearing,
4.rough him up a little more while on the ground,
5. Walk away, car to where jimbo still lies,
7.Recommence the beating,
8.Spit gratuitously,
9.Leave with a cheery smile,
10.After 2 weeks recieve an apology from Jimbo,
11.Make a lifelong friend. :)
Now Summer:Nothing Happened except new job at Eckerds.Blah!
Beginning of school:I reconnect with friends and loose some because of new and awkward scheduling. Sad and lonely for a while, But things look up!
I start attending FTCC with Mark and David, and things are Uber Hilarious, then I make Benoit laugh like no one else,(except recently, Abas I must meet you, REVENGE...Or not,)so I am invited to hang at monty's and have a realy good time until I woke my self up and every one else, my baid geeze, but life goes on, skipping ahead, I meet the South View group while they fight over mexican delicacies and who drives the insect-mobile. but it was cool because of certain Ghetto Soldjas and their 9's, gee. Skipping ahead again, I find myself closer to the group and feeling really good, except for the 6-months with out a girl friend(inner sadness again), I think that I have really made good friends that I can trust and respect, so to all you, thanks for being who you are. Especialy a certain glove wearing person who makes me laugh way too much, thanks guy. Yup, that is about all.
Sincerely Genera..............WAIT, I forgot to mention my completely Baitching Rasta/Bolivian glove thant David totally paid for of course, it rocks a mighty big time, oh yes. So that's it,
General Wetback E. Lee.
Merry Christmas.