Apparently, I was more tired than I thought

Jan 12, 2011 03:37

HELLO EVERYONE. I am up laaaaaaate beause I fell asleep on the couch for six hours. XD Don't ask me why I thought this would be a good time to get back into posting again.

Have signed up for getyourwordsout again! This year, they made a 150k level, and for some reason, this sounds much more doable to my brain than 200k. XD So I'm trying to do that, but my personal goal is just to write every single day this year (at least 100 words, even if it's crap, even if I know I'm going to have to rewrite it, even if it doesn't apply to anything else), which is why I'm awake now instead of crawling into bed and waiting for my alarm to wake me up in a little over three hours.

Work has been kind of kicking my ass lately in a brain-draining kind of way. Today, my team leader was trying to help me out by assigning some of my stuff to other people, but as soon as she would, MORE WOULD COME IN. It's been good, though. At least it makes me think! (I haaaaate mornings, though. Evil, evil things.)

........I just used the wrong they're/their in my fic. TIME FOR BED. Yay for pointless posts. *\o/*

writing: general, personal: work

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