So much crazy shit happening all at once

Sep 20, 2010 22:27

Whenever people start defriending me, I remember that I haven't made a real post in a little while. XD HELLO, FLIST! Today is exciting because I HAVE A JOB NOW! *\O/* YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY. Remember how I had that interview and never heard back? WELL, I heard back, and now I will be checking up on the people who sign all those background check permission forms for various jobs and volunteer things and stuff! (Oh, yes. They ACTUALLY run those.) It should be an interesting experience and something solid (finally) to put on my resume, if nothing else. I start tomorrow at 8 am, so today, I had to pee in a cup so they could find out if I take drugs or not. OMG WILL I PASS IT? The suspense is killing me. :P It's also temp to hire, so we'll hope that they decide to take me on for real once I finish my hours for the temp agency.

Went to the Dallas pride parade yesterday! My church was walking in it, which was awesome. I don't think I've been to one of those things in about five years, so it felt really, really good to be out in the community again. :D I also got to shake hands with Bill White, the Dem candidate for governor of Texas, who seriously needs to kick Rick Perry's ass in this election. We have a yard sign for him and everything. XD

Oh, and my sister is now officially engaged, which is great, but it also kind of reminds me that I've never seriously dated anyone and should probably get on that before I'm the 40-year-old... well, I'm not a virgin, but the 40-year-old something. Cat lady? (Also, I don't think she's going to make me a bridesmaid. Also also, she told us yesterday that she thinks that being gay is a sin but that it's okay because Jesus died to forgive everyone's sins. Which, I'm totally down with the second part, but being bi is not one of my sins, y'all. SRSLY. (I just want to know why Jesus doesn't need to forgive her for being straight. It's all just PARTS, right?))

SPN IS THIS WEEK! YAY, STILL SO EXCITED. I've kind of given up on caring TOO much about avoiding spoilers--I really just don't want to know episode synopses and too much mytharc stuff--and the stuff I've been reading and watching (OMF, THAT TRAILER. OMF.) is very, very intriguing. :D Part of why I'm excited, besides it being a NEW SEASON OF SPN, is that I really want to see how they're going to pull off this crazy shit.

Now I have to fold my laundry and, like, think about sleep and stuff. When do I get my responsible adulthood trophy?

personal: issues, personal: job searching, personal: family, tv: supernatural, political: misc, personal: work, personal: religion, political: glbt

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