Leaving on a jet plane, reprise

Jul 29, 2010 03:40

HEY GUYS! So I don't know how many of you actually read my Twitter or the posts that arise from that, but as you may have gleaned from that, I am moving home to Dallas! Job market sucks, lack of money sucks, etc, etc. I don't fly out until next week, but we're shipping my stuff (including my computer) off tomorrow, so I felt like I should make this post. Because, you know, I post and comment on LJ so much when I HAVE a computer. :\

It's 3:30 am, and I have SO MUCH to do before noon tomorrow, so I can't really take the time to rhapsodize too much right now, but I did want to take a moment to say that I LOVED Bellingham and loved living with unperfectwolf and co, and also really enjoyed the chance to get out and fail on my own. I miss home, too, but every time I start thinking about leaving here, I start to tear up, so I think I'll just leave it at that and say that at some point in my life, I hope to come back and live in the PacNW. ♥♥♥

ANYWAY, that is the state of my life right now, in case anyone was wondering! (It's okay if you weren't wondering.) Have a picture of Wil Wheaton doing jazz hands in a sweatervest. My GOD, I hate the new Google Images.


ETA (3:58 am): ALSO I LOVE YOU ALL AND WILL MISS YOU TERRIBLY. AND STUFF. *shameface* ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I'll still have e-mail and Twitter while I'm gone, as well as the ability to read the internets on my phone, so there's that! \o/

friends: kwen!, personal: family, people: wil wheaton, personal: the great pacnw move, share: pictures

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