This just happened in my chat. It's not the first time I've had this notion, and as the cliche goes, it probably won't be the last, so I thought I should share. Assuming I haven't done so in the past.
waterofthemoon says (11:08 PM):
you know what else I want?
scorpiod1 says (11:08 PM):
clex_monkie89 says (11:08 PM):
A pony?
cherie_morte says (11:08 PM):
waterofthemoon says (11:08 PM):
clex_monkie89 says (11:08 PM):
waterofthemoon says (11:08 PM):
(the TARDIS can come too)
(and the Millennium Falcon)
clex_monkie89 says (11:08 PM):
...If I could figure out the mechanics of it I would write that.
But not with the TARDIS, because I don't know her.
cherie_morte says (11:08 PM):
Millenium Falcon DOES approve of incest...
waterofthemoon says (11:09 PM):
clex_monkie89 says (11:09 PM):
scorpiod1 says (11:09 PM):
can Serenity come too?
waterofthemoon says (11:09 PM):
clex_monkie89 says (11:09 PM):
scorpiod1 says (11:09 PM):
it's all one big orgy
waterofthemoon says (11:09 PM):
oooh, and the Bentley
scorpiod1 says (11:09 PM):
Metallicar/Atlantis/TARDIS/Mellennium Falcon/Serenity/Bentley!
clex_monkie89 says (11:09 PM):
Now I'm reminded of the fic where Metallicar and Truckzilla had babies.
Also, no spoilers, but... GOOD LORD, DOCTOR WHO, WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING AND EPIC OMG. *EPIC FLAIL* I adored that finale, even when it was confusing the HELL out of me. IS IT CHRISTMAS YET?