Um, for future reference, this is 5x20 The Devil You Know. :D
SO HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THAT CROWLEY WAS BACK IN MY LIFE AND BEING COMPLETELY AWESOME? THIS THIS MUCH. OMG. CROOOOWWWWLEEEEEEYYYYYY, I ADORE YOUUUUUUU. You and your innuendo and your shouting and your bloodthirstiness (which I find hilarious, what is wrong with me?) and your joining Team Free Will and your utter CROWLEYNESS. *_*!
ALSO, raise your hand if you believe that Crowley's been spying on Sam and Dean having Impala!sex with each other? Because... he so has. FACT. Between his comment and the part where Sam and Dean are erotically codependent soulmates, I half expect them to make out in the finale. XD
Oh, yeah, and Sam and Dean kicked some ass, too. AND DEAN SAID HE TRUSTS SAM! Of course, I'm not sure how he feels now, given the conflicted look on his face when Sam knifed Brady (which, OMG, demons in his life ALWAYS? POOR SAMMY), but any old X-Files shipper knows that any time they say, "I trust you," you can substitute the word "love." :D
I clearly need a SPN!Crowley icon. I was going to use the tiny Bentley on fire for this post, but I decided that would probs be a spoiler and stuff. SAD DAYS.
I AM SO SO PLEASED WITH THIS. OMG. And SO SO NERVOUS for whatever they might be doing in the finale. Bobbyyyyyyyyy! AND DEATH, YAY. I will probably cry if Bobby bites it, even though I've been half-expecting his death since S4, since he's the mentor archetype. :(
ALSO. I am SLIGHTLY DISTRAUGHT that Castiel was not on again this week. What has he been DOING since he banished himself? Is he even still in one piece? POOR BB.