C'mon, you know you want to check this hot shit out

Apr 02, 2010 17:11

HEY GUYS! I need a favor! unperfectwolf has been SUPER busy with real life, and so has sophie_448, who usually betas for me when Kwen doesn't. Meanwhile, I've been kind of prolific with fic-type stuff despite writer's block, so I want to lighten Kwen's load a little. Does anyone want to beta some Castiel POV fic? I wrote it for the spnland LJ challenge a while ago, so it's in first person (sorry), and there's... idk, a little over 1,500 words of it if you count all the subject lines and stuff. It also contains PG-rated mentions of Sam/Dean.

FYI: I need a beta for style and content WAY more than for grammar-type stuff, although I definitely want you to fix/point out any grammar weirdnesses. I especially want to focus on Castiel's voice, since I hadn't ever written him before this and first person is totally not my strength, although I kind of like how this came out. ALSO, I like to use Word for betaing (specifically, its track changes function), but I can work with whoever if they don't have Word or whatever. Gdocs is totally an option! So is e-mail/chat. XD

And I haven't asked unperfectwolf about doing this one yet, but I know it's not her pairing, SO. Aaaaaaanyone want to beta some PG Castiel/Crowley fic in a few days after I hopefully kick its ass this weekend? It's for charity! There's over 3,500 words of that one right now, and I need to add probably at least three more scenes, so who even knows how long it will end up being. *headdesk*


ALSO! katmaxwell accidentally bunnied me on Twitter yesterday for Danneel/Misha's wife being awesome and hot together and completely terrorizing the boys with their epic nefarious plotting. SOMEONE SHOULD REMIND ME OF THIS IN TWO WEEKS. :D I cannot has until I finish charity fic and beta obligations and stuff, but... DO WANT. They would take over the world, for fucking srs.

friends: general, people: misha collins, writing: plot bunnies, fandom: cw rpf, shipping: sam/dean, friends: chat, friends: kwen!, tv: supernatural, people: danneel harris, fandom: spnland, writing: general

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