
Feb 26, 2010 05:00

  • 05:24 exhausted. can't get to sleep. eff you, insomnia. sigh, trying again, will hope for dreamless sleep. #
  • 12:44 my scroll wheel on my mouse is NOT WORKING. and I already restarted my computer. *SIGH* #
  • 12:50 okay, pulled some dust out of it. it works much better now! AMAZING. how do computers attract SO MUCH dust and cat hair? #
  • 14:12 it makes me super happy in my soul that @neilhimself watches Big Bang Theory. :D #
  • 14:20 @ enablelove OH AWESOME, ILU. I was going to try and track down the original today, but now I don't have to! \o/ awwwwww, wee boys! #
  • 14:22 @ enablelove also, no matter how many times I see it, it will never fail to amuse me that Dean's shirts are really sleeveless. XDDDDD #
  • 20:13 @ enablelove whoops, TOTALLY didn't see this until now. but they are mostly drabbles anyway, so it didn't need to be coded. :) #
  • 20:48 @ enablelove do you still need someone? I beta! #
  • 20:51 @ enablelove awesome. \o/ I totally needed a break from this thing I'm writing. got it! #
  • 23:06 this is probably the most awkward time of day to post fic, but hey! um, wedding angst. #
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