It's apparently meta grab bag day on my journal!

Feb 03, 2010 18:00

Some very interesting and amusing posts about LJ I have read today while I was supposed to be coding, thanks to unperfectwolf:

Friending! by azurelunatic
A handy explanation of Friending On LJ and the technological and social quirks therein. Recommended to everyone on LJ, even if only to go "that's so true!" or "man, I HATE when people are creepers on the internet at me!".

Signs you might not be from LJ originally (some of LJ's rules, both social and not-so-social) by azurelunatic
WORD, WORD, SO MUCH WORD. Again, should be an official primer for people who are New To LJ.

Things that you are not entitled to on the internet by azurelunatic
How, really, someone's personal information is none of anyone else's business (especially with regards to creepers on the internet).

How Dreamwidth is helping save LiveJournal by azurelunatic
Touches on the aftermath of Strikethrough but is mostly about how the existence and cooperation of DW has made LJ a more harmonious place full of rainbows and sparkly bug fixes. :P

And some other meta-type stuff from my memories that I've read or reread recently:

writer's question! by standing_fic
Has lots of great writing tips and links in the comments--definitely a fantastic resource, especially for talking about those things most of us do unconsciously in our writing.

Feature: Presentation and readability for LJ and beyond by rigel_7
I was going to make this post a while back, during a time when I was particularly fed up with rich text and people who otherwise add all kinds of unnecessary coding to their posts, and never got around to finishing it. As this is much more organized and comprehensive than mine would have been, that was probably for the best. XD

Everybody's Free (To Be Fannish) by elizah_jane
I know, I know, almost everyone has seen this. HOWEVER, it is still valuable, particularly if you're feeling jaded and disillusioned about fandom.

"i know you care for him as much as i do." by bookshop
This is in the same vein as bookshop's post about the role of female characters in fandom that I responded to last week (and I will get to the comments on that, I will, I will!), and it talks about how the media today is full of "bromances" that never resolve into actual male/male relationships--often to the point of inserting a female love interest to the detriment of all characters involved--and why we should be pushing for further equality. Tons of interesting discussion in the comments, too!

Fandom and Male Privilege by cereta
I first read this while I was in the Harry Potter fandom, and I think it still holds true now, especially now that I'm in SPN, which is, in general, SUCH a female-identified space.

Tips for Betas! and Tips for Betas Part 2 by the lovely momebie
A wonderful resource for experienced betas, people who think they might want to be betas, and people who need a beta but aren't sure how to cultivate a working relationship with one. ♥

recs: meta, recs: fandom, techie: livejournal

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