A POST. Yes, really!

Aug 26, 2009 11:45

Sorry about the duplicate Twitter posts for however long it was, guys--I didn't realize LoudTwitter was back, so now I've stopped the Twittinesis posts. :\

Some updates on the life of Sara (omg, Sara's actually writing a post):
- We are completely out of our house and are crashing at unperfectwolf's mom's house for a week until we can move into the new house on the 1st. Exciting!

- We also have a new roommate for the new house! His name is Moses, and he seems like a pretty cool dude. Time will tell if he makes a good roommate as well.

- I MISS MY COMPUTER. AND MY CHAT. I feel sooooo out of the loop because I haven't been able to get on MSN for over a week (and probably won't be able to again until my computer is set up at the new house--I'm stealing Kwen's mom's MacBook to write this post). I love my desktop, but sometimes it is entirely inconvenient. I AM SORRY, GUYS. LOVE YOU AND STUFF.

- To this end, I have not seen the SPN gag reel yet. I have seen that there are decent res copies floating around, but I'll probably continue to wait for the DVD release, as I won't be back online for reals until around that time anyways. Pls no gag reel icons in my journal until the DVD is out!

- I am also stealing Kwen's puppy for a week. Her name is Keena, and she has very bushy fur and lopsided ears. :DDDDD

- Anyone else read the Tamora Pierce books besides me and Kwen and sophie_448? I have been reading them for the first time over the last couple months. I LOVE TORTALL. Someone should write me a J2 as Tortallan knights AU so I don't have to (because honestly, if we leave it to me, it will never get written).

- Ummmm, what else. Oh! If anyone is wondering why my Big Bang recs stopped after two weeks of them back in June, the answer is LAZINESS. :P However! I have been catching up on fics and rereading where necessary, then handwriting recs for them, so expect a FLOOD of recs posts from me on or slightly after the 1st, including my top ten Big Bangs for this year. :D?

- I took piratemerry out on the upstairs deck at this house yesterday so she could get some exercise and fresh air (she has to live in a dog crate in the garage while we're here so the other cats at this house don't attack her), and she somehow managed to climb the deck railing. o.O She had issues balancing on the top rail, but she climbed it!

- I am not okay with this posting from the site thing. Manually typing in the codes, BAH. I miss my Semagic shortcuts!

- Today is Kwen's brother Jake's 16th birthday. He is the baby of the family! One of the cats is even older than him. XD

- Last night, I had a Leverage dream. Pretty much all I remember is that I was helping Parker steal something (electronic documents, I think), and then the alarms were going off, so the whole team had to make a run for it, haha. New Leverage tonight!

That's probably it for now. I need to go shower and try to look presentable and stuff. Later guys! I should try to make the time to make actual posts more often. :D

books: tamora pierce, personal: dreams, fandom: cw rpf, friends: chat, friends: kwen!, tv: supernatural, tv: leverage, personal: the great pacnw move

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