CALIFORNIA. Seriously? FAIL MORE, I DARE YOU. I just do not UNDERSTAND how an otherwise progressive state can keep upholding crap like this, you know? (Or why this is an issue for this country AT ALL, but that's another rant for another day.) FAIL FAIL FAIL.
So who wants to tell me about Jared being in Austin for the UIL meet and how we know about this? I heard he got his nerd on today! I WANT DETAILS. Especially if they involve Jensen being there with him and gazing adoringly from backstage while Jared talks to the kids, HAHA. :D I did google and discovered that
he won a UIL honorable mention in 1996. OH JARED. ♥
ADORABLE TRANSGENDER BOY. I have been watching all his videos, and it's kind of amazing to see him document his transformation.