Dec 01, 2008 20:33

Hey guys! Sooooo, I see Chris tomorrow. HOMG, FREAKING OUT A LITTLE. :D

ANYWAY, I have at least one extra ticket to the screening (possibly three--I've been e-mailed conflicting info), so I was wondering if anyone on my flist wanted to come see Chris and Leverage with me tomorrow evening?

It's at the Angelika at Mockingbird Station, which is in uptown by SMU, so I'll be taking the DART. The official start time is 7:30, but everything says be there early to make sure we get in, so! Sorry it's such short notice--I meant to post this much sooner, but I caught a cold or something while I was in Houston and am all discombobulated. :\ (I should be better by tomorrow, though. It's feeling like a 48 hour thing.)

For EVERYONE in Dallas, Chris is playing here at 9:30 after the screening. *\o/* Please come and support his music if you can!

friends: general, tv: leverage, people: christian kane

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