
Nov 12, 2008 17:38

The One Where Jensen Has Two Boyfriends by aleia (Jensen/Chris/Steve, NC-17)
Jensen meets Chris and Steve. There's a lot of sex. And maybe some feelings. Maybe. They're boys, so it might just be about orgasms.

I meant to rec this one a while back and never got around to it. It's made of LOVE and shiny things, you guys. I helped conceive and cheerlead this verse, and I fell in love with this version of the boys in the process.

under this midwest sky by unperfectwolf (Jared/Jensen, PG-13)
cowboy!au: jensen owns a ranch in the beartooths, and jared's a ranch hand in need of a job.

Written by my girl for me and also betaed by me, so it might not be fair of me to rec it. I want everyone to read it anyway. COWBOY J2, Y'ALL. ♥

Also! This holiday season, I am participating in this:

I encourage everyone on my flist to sign up. You know you want toooooo!

friends: kwen!, recs: fandom, shipping: jared/jensen, fandom: cw rpf

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