Too braindead for clever subject lines

Jul 22, 2008 03:00

HI GUYS. Omg, it is so hot in here. The A/C is out until at least tomorrow when the service guy can get here, and we have ceiling fans, but that so doesn't cut it against Texas summer. *swoons*

Beta of doom aka Clex's big bang is put to bed, and since I said earlier that you should check it out, here be linkage. :D

Postcards (From Easy Street) by clex_monkie89 (Sam/Jess, Sam/Dean; NC-17)
She's his baby brother's new girlfriend.

He's some stranger who knows more about her boyfriend than she does.

Together they fight crime have sex talk on the phone a lot.

(Oh, and also there's some guy named Sam who keeps getting his ass kicked and has a run-in with some incubi-infected frat guys.)

You guys, I think I gave a part of my soul in the process of this fic's creation. It's another one of those that I was there for the birth of, and it's been amazing to see it transform from the original ideas into this version. The past few days have been a blur of editing (seriously, I see track changes when I close my eyes), and honestly, I'm amazed that it even got posted in time. :P

Some really awesome stuff in this--I think my very favorite aspect of it is the way Jess and Dean interact with each other, and I also love how realistic and down-to-earth the Sam/Jess relationship is. I don't want to say TOO much about the rest of it for fear of spoiling people, but there are some definite "oh, [Sam/Dean/Jess]" moments. ♥!

tv: supernatural, recs: fandom, shipping: sam/dean, friends: chat

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