So it's kind of sketch that Chris's video blogs are now deleted off YouTube, y/y?
dea_liberty and I eventually decided it was because he rambled too much in them. XD Anyway, I saved the flv files a little while back (yay for chronic archiving gene), so if anyone wants me to put them up for download, let me know.
And on that note, it amuses me way more than it should that people just spam the shit out of Chris's comments on
MySpace. I don't know why, it just does. XD I spend way, way too much time on MySpace these days (read: any at all). -.-
Good: I've written over twelve hundred words since night before last and am just now getting to the porn. It's been easy writing for the most part, too, and I've missed having that. Bad: It's none of the fics I was already writing, so all of those are still in progress. Oops?
I really need a new glasses prescription, y'all. You know your distance vision has gotten abysmal when the words are fuzzy on the flat screen TV maybe thirty feet away.
Guess what tomorrow is! A little over sixteen hours until new SPN! *flails*