
Aug 23, 2007 19:40

Ugh. School started today. It is SO HOT outside, guys. *whine whine* And one of my classes went 40 minutes overI can't read schedules and am retarded, and apparently I have to take another one now so I can be full time (12 hours instead of the comfy 9 hours I'm signed up for) so I can get the rest of my financial aid, and I still have to see about getting an on-campus job for this semester, and blah. I hate everything, except I don't, not really.

Here. Have some schmoop I wrote the other day. It's not part of anything yet, but I kinda like it.

They're sprawled out on the grass on today's set, just passing the time doing nothing at all while they wait for someone to come find them for the scene. They've long since stopped trying to hide their relationship at work-figure as long as they keep the screwing to their trailers, they can pretty much trust the crew to keep quiet on could-be-platonic caresses and snuggles-and Jensen's nestled snug and quiet between Jared's legs, resting his head back against Jared's chest as they read over the new sides. Jared leans forward to mouth the words next to Jensen's ear, brushing a kiss there, and Jensen closes his eyes and pretends they're all alone, just for a minute.

"C'mon, Jen, focus," Jared complains. "We gotta get this right or Bob'll have our asses."

Jensen turns his head and blinks sleepily at Jared. "Quit distracting me, then," he says, pulling away from Jared and stretching. "You're too comfy, dude. I can't work like this."


I would like my internet to stop going out at random intervals, please and thank you.

Also, my brother and I have been watching SPN at night, and the past couple of nights he's watched it on his own after I've gone to bed. \o/! Next step, get him interested in Wincest and possibly J2. *nods*

writing: snippets, personal: family, tv: supernatural, shipping: jared/jensen, fandom: cw rpf, school: misc

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