Jared believes in keeping a VERY open mind, y'all. I'M JUST SAYING. ♥ Jensen's cute in this, too. I wish we had American network promos that pwned as classily as this one does. (Also features people from The Biggest Loser, NCIS, Law & Order: SVU, and Criminal Intent, none of which I watch. :P)
I want chocolate. It's kinda one of those nights. :( I'm also feeling decidedly un-American for not having given a crap about the Super Bowl earlier, but whatever, football's not my thing and I didn't care about either of the teams, so.
Here, random old Padalecki cuteness just because I feel like it:
Click to enlarge. From the set of SPN 1x09 "Home," originally posted by
For the unitiated, those are Jared's doggies, Harley and Sadie. ♥ I love how his hair looks so SHORT to me in all these old pictures now that he's grown it out so much, even though his bangs were already down to his eyebrows by this episode. XD And this is so lame, but if I had a favorite Sam shirt, that'd be it. I think it's the vertical stripes over all that long, lean muscle... sorry, was I saying something?
Anyway. I should go find something productive to do before I sleep. Later!