My hosting site is down, OH NOES. *refreshes times infinity* Yay, it's back!
I forgot to repost these icons here when I made them two weeks ago, whoops.
Dude, it's Snuggles with a gun. That s/he stole from Plastic!Dean. No way I could pass that up. These were officially inspired by
this episode of Plastic!Winchester Theater by
anteka, but feel free to use them outside of that context... just, you know, stick her name in the comments too, if you would. :)
Why doesn't Horizon have a direct link to the FAQs on the menu bar like XColibur did? Oh, there it is, way at the bottom of the page. Way to be intuitive to your users' needs, there. If I'm not going to go rummaging around down there when everything else I need is at the top, random newbie LJ member #7344794712742472 certainly isn't going to, and they're going to need it much more than I will. What-the-fuck-ever, LJ.
Wow, I never thought I would be at a point where I would need more icon space. I have 105 uploaded out of 111, and yet. I NEED MORE ICON SPACE. else having caching issues with their userpics, by the by? Half the time when I load my allpics.bml, they reload like the browser's never seen them before, which wouldn't be so annoying if I didn't have so many. I've upped my cache space and everything, so wtf.)
The jury's out on Firefox 2.0, now that I've finally gotten with the program and upgraded from 1.5.
Personally, I think it could have used a few more weeks of tweaking, but maybe that's just me. It's slower and more bloated than it used to be--like, so much for lightweight and flexible, Mozilla. I hate the new default skin that doesn't match the rest of Windows, I don't like that the little spinny wheel in the corner isn't clickable anymore (it used to go to the Firefox site; dude, it's the little things), and they still haven't tamed its insatiable appetite for memory*. BUT. It has SessionSaver-like capabilities incorporated into it now, and SessionSaver is my MOST FAVORITE EXTENSION EVER. And I was able to reorganize my search engines intuitively by type, and I imagine the CSS and rendering capabilities are improved, although I can't back that up. Overall, I think it's an improvement on the previous version, but still a rough draft of one, if that makes sense.
*Seriously. It's hardly processor-intensive at all, yet it eats memory like candy and regularly ends up using three times as much as Sims 2 does. What's up with that?
HOLY JESUS FUCK. *pounces* NGK. Jensen's distractingly pretty and all, but the rest of y'all can have him. I'll be with this one in the corner over here. >:D
Speaking of J², I'll probably post about SPN 2x07 later after I've watched the whole thing, assuming I've anything meaningful to say about it. Last night was kind of crazy 'round here, so I managed to see about 15 minutes total, and then I had errands to run tonight, and and and. What I saw was REALLY GOOD, though. I love sweeps. :D